by evamoon | Nov 11, 2016 | Moonshine
“Damage Control” – a short satirical play about a fictional senator facing a tough press conference on the eve of a dirty political campaign with grave consequences for civil rights – debuted in 2015, but is particularly relevant in the wake of the 2016...
by evamoon | Nov 8, 2016 | Moonshine
“You need to give her permission to go,” Maxine, the hospice nurse urged us. We were gathered at my grandmother’s home for a final visit. Coming together for this purpose was sad but it was also more joyful than I could have imagined. We sat with her and shared...
by evamoon | Oct 26, 2016 | Moonshine
It was a blistering August day in Los Angeles. I fled the heat with my newborn son for that haven of air conditioned air: The mall. Shopping wasn’t an option — funds were tight for our little family. But the cool air and wide walkways were free (to us) and I could...
by evamoon | Oct 19, 2016 | Moonshine
In my family, whenever a question arises that we don’t know the answer to, someone will invariably say, mock-wistfully, “If only there was a way to find out!” – usually while everyone is already reaching for their phones, gunslinger style, to see who’s fastest...
by evamoon | Oct 12, 2016 | Moonshine
Sitting in the open door of the airplane. Nearly fourteen thousand feet below my dangling toes, the lovely Washington coast is a green and blue abstract. I know I am going to die. And I couldn’t be happier. From the time we first encounter death – usually the...
by evamoon | Mar 26, 2016 | Moonshine
I turned 60 today and there are some things I wish I could have told my 50-year-old self. She was so worried. Dear me, Hey there, 50! It’s me, 60. Still alive, as you can see. You spent the whole year leading up to your 50th birthday in a stew of worry: What tortures...