If I could turn back time

If I could turn back time

If I could turn back time and alter the roll of the genetic dice that gave me the BRCA1 mutation — never experience agonies of fear waiting for biopsy results, not face the wrenching decision to give up my breasts and ovaries, endure 22 hours of surgeries, months of...

Call me Juror No. 3

The bold lettering on the envelope was unmistakeable. I had been summoned. For jury duty. The call has come a number of times over the years, but this was, for a variety of reasons, the first time I ever had to actually report. I was alternately worried and intrigued....
50 Shades of GPS

50 Shades of GPS

His voice was deep, firm, insistent. “Dé vuelta a la izquierda.” I turned left. I could only obey and trust him to guide me to the end… and hope my sick obsession was never discovered. It started innocently enough with the gift of a GPS — something I didn’t even...

13 Signs you’re in a dive bar

We may only be halfway through September, but already October beckons, along with thoughts of the beery excesses of Oktoberfest. With that in mind, I took myself to a local tavern — in the interest of research, mind you! I definitely needed a refresher course. It’s...

The Menopause Bill Of Rights — And Make It Snappy

It seems like every interest group wants its own Bill of Rights these days — Airline passengers, Cruise Passengers, Online Privacy Advocates. A Postpartum Depression Bill of Rights was just proposed last week. All worthy causes, I’m sure. But there’s another group...