The Eastside Ukulele Players Association is currently led by Eva Moon and meets every Sunday from 2-3:30 on the Seattle area’s east side. From November through April, we meet at Wooden Cross Lutheran Church in Woodinville, and in the warmer months, we meet outdoors at Anderson Park in Redmond.
You can also join us for the Redmond Community Sing Along/Play Along which meets first Thursdays from 6:30-8 pm. Details about that here.
Here are downloadable PDFs of the songbooks we use:
- The ESUPA Purple Book (updated often, so get it again if it’s been a while)
- ESUPA Teal book
- SUPA Red book
- SUPA Green book
Here is a MASTER SONG LIST of ALL the songs in one place (including some bonus songs not in the books). For Sundays, we collect your requests during the week via our email list. On Saturday, we email a PDF songbook with Sunday’s songs. Thursday requests are made on the fly during the session. Contact to be added to the email list.
ESUPA welcomes players of all abilities (including none). We also welcome other acoustic instruments: guitars, mandolins, banjos, violins, violas – whatever you’ve got. So bring your instrument, chair (if we’re outdoors), music stand, the week’s songbook, a friendly spirit, and anything else you need to be comfortable. We ask that you stay home if you’re feeling even a little ill or have been in contact with someone with COVID.
ESUPA History
ESUPA was formed in 2012 by Clint and Jane Ferrell and Barbara Carey. When it grew too big for the Ferrells’ living room, they moved to the clubhouse at Braeburn Country Club in Redmond, where they met every Tuesday until it became unavailable in 2018, led first by the Ferrells and then by Leo Poort. After that, they met in various locations until COVID, when the meetings went virtual for two years and then outdoors, under the leadership of Eva Moon.
They started with songs from the red and green books used by SUPA (Seattle Ukulele Players Association). In 2018, Kathy and Peter Mackintosh, Carol White, and Barbara Carey compiled and edited songs the members had brought in and that became the ESUPA Teal book. Later, the Redmond Sing-Along Songbook was added and the repertoire is still growing (as is ESUPA!)
You can reach Eva at if you have any questions, comments, or requests.