Eva Moon blog: book reviews, humor, life lessons, BRCA and hereditary cancer commentary, music, bitching, and more. Includes repostings of her Huffington Post writing too. Have a suggestion for a topic you’d like me to tackle? Contact me!
The value of not knowing things
In my family, whenever a question arises that we don’t know the answer to, someone will invariably say,…
OMG! I’m gonna die!
Sitting in the open door of the airplane. Nearly fourteen thousand feet below my dangling toes, the lovely Washington…
Turning 60: A letter to my 50-year-old self
I turned 60 today and there are some things I wish I could have told my 50-year-old self. She was so worried. Dear me,…
What you should never call an older person
I mean it. Stop it right now. I know you meant it as a compliment, but it’s not. When people call me “young at heart”…

Warm Cookies: The World’s Most Powerful Substance
I play in a band. What does this have to do with warm cookies, you ask? Patience, grasshopper. We’ll get there. It was…

Eating your veggies was never THIS good
I recently became the owner of a Paderno Vegetable Spiral Slicer — or “spiralizer” for short. I’ve been wanting to eat…
A difficult gift to a child
I am waiting for bad news. Or good news. It’s not something I’m very good at – waiting. I can’t just put things I’m…

Things you will NEVER hear at a band sound check
(Note: Originally published on Huffington Post) If you’ve played in a working band, you’ve been through the routine a…
A moment of dignity from the TSA
I know, I know. TSA? Really? The abominable agents of airport angst? The humorless automatons whom we meekly obey, no…
Waxing Brazilian… and Beyond: A New Guide to Going Bare Down There
Not long ago I went to get a Brazilian wax. (For the uninitiated, imagine a bikini wax, but with no bikini.) There…