The Mutant Diaries: Unzipping My Genes

“A one-woman show delivered with so much raw emotion and intimacy that the audience may wonder whether they have accidentally wandered into a room where they overhear her private and innermost thoughts after learning of her BRCA gene mutation. Her journey carries us through the loss of her mother, to the discovery of her own personal superpower. Her presence on stage reflects the solace of the inner struggle, but the humor that she wraps around her musical delivery pulls the audience into her story as her life-changing choices deliver triumph. It is about life, it is about death, and it is about the beauty of the human spirit, a must-see.” — Dr. Frank DellaCroce, co-Founder of the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery (CRBS) and the St. Charles Surgical Hospital
“Mutant Diaries” resonates among women with BRCA mutations. Moon’s decision – and her show – call attention to a dilemma increasingly faced by women as genetic testing becomes more widespread. In simply calling attention to the choices that women must make – and empowering them in the process, Moon has achieved her goal. – City of Hope
The Mutant Diaries in London
“Eva’s show sent me on a roller coaster of emotions, from tears in the eyes to laughing my head off. It was humbling to be part of Eva’s story and I felt like I was living through her journey with her. I can’t thank you enough, Eva, for sharing your show with Macmillan. You are an inspiration.” — Kate Macauley, Macmillan Cancer Support, UK
“No matter how many people are in the audience with you, you are left feeling like you have just had a chat with a friend and shared something quite personal.”
“It’s a human story, it’s a woman’s story, told with music, warmth and humour. See this show – you’ll remember Eva Moon and her piano for a long time.”
“When you have a chance to make a difference, even save one life, how can you remain silent?” – From UK Jewish News Magazine
“Brave and beautiful” The show carries a message to people that they can overcome these challenges.
“My heart is full with emotion and my face hurts from laughing. Tonight’s performance was absolutely incredible and I feel honored to have been present!” — SP
“It’s *amazing* – Funny, poignant, just salacious enough to make you simultaneously squirm and cheer her on. See it while you have a chance!.” — WNK
“A great show, small but perfectly formed. Funny and sad in perfect balance, it made me laugh and cry, sometimes both at once! A must-see for people facing tough medical decisions – and their loved ones. If you only see one show this year about massive invasive surgery to avoid cancer, make it this one! Eva is a one-woman force of nature full of wisdom and musical comedy and she’ll leave you feeling optimistic whatever you face.” — JR
“Eva Moon’s ‘Mutant Diaries’ is touching and funny — a great combination. It’s a story of triumph, told through the words and music of a genuine and generous spirit. Learning life’s important lessons isn’t usually this entertaining!” — JH
“Beautifully written, Eva’s words – spoken or sung – sparkle with humor, compassion and raw emotion. Her performance is energetic and heartfelt. She squeezed my heart with her powerful story of facing a challenge and landing solidly on her feet.” — WB
“Eva Moon’s ‘Mutant Diaries’ is powerful and poignant. I love it when a show makes me laugh and cry in one sitting, and I did both at Eva’s show. Her words are impressive; her delivery inspirational. This brave, unflinching presentation of Eva’s journey entertains as it elucidates. Quite a feat.” — CM
“As a medical professional, I loved how this show took an abstract clinical diagnosis, and made it human; using pithy anecdotes, soulful tunes and hilarious lyrics to weave a personal and painful story with an uplifting ending.” — KR
First You Jump
“First You Jump” provokes thought and conversation – “Moon’s talent at creating these worlds by using magical realism helps us explore human truths. None of us will ever defend a T-Rex lover or struggle with the decision to stay human or become a puppet. But we all have times when we must make major decisions.” – Read the full review by Sherry Grindeland on, page 7
Five Magically Realized Stories About Taking the Leap in Life Take Wing at Valley Center Stage – “First You Jump is an inspiring, Northwest concoction of magical realism, a microbrew of finely hewed acting portraying a range of dramatic fantasy…” – Read the rest on
“A new show unlike ANYTHING you’ve seen! How do you take that terrifying leap into your own Unknown? It’s some of the most fascinating new writing I’ve seen. Eva Moon is a master of the technique of dramatic juxtaposition: Taking a fantastic situation and dropping a struggling human being right in the middle. The last time I felt this was working on Tom Stoppard’s “The Real Thing.” She has his wit, but with such a profound soul and heart.” — Dennis Bateman
“How many of us have left behind dreams and self-power because we could not take that First Jump? “First You Jump” is a powerful theatre experience. This show brought me to new levels and more open perceptions on life, love and the world. They were eye-opening and gave me a chance to unlock my perspectives. It was a complete turnaround of theater experience and I loved it to say the least! “First You Jump” is a show which I hope expands to more theatres across multiple states, countries, and languages. It was amazing!” — Audience comment
“This is one of the most thoughtful, thought-provoking, and soul-satisfying plays I’ve ever seen. Eva’s stories are almost lyrical in their telling: 5 vignettes that are at once fantastical and yet almost universal in their relating to the human condition. Between each vignette was one of Eva’s musical numbers that set the tone for the next story. I am so looking forward to seeing a full production of this play later this year. Bravo!” — Audience comment
“Damage Control” Snapshots 2014, 20% Theater Co, Chicago, IL:
“From a pacing standpoint, it has the perfect blend and I love how fearless and extreme the ending is! I keep using the word ‘extreme’ because I love how ballsy and goofy and dramatic this is! There really is nothing tentative about any part of the play and I cannot wait for an audience to see it!” — Kallie Rolison, Director
“Geppetto’s Funeral” Blackshaw Theatre Co, London, UK:
“We found our initial rehearsal really interesting and kept finding more and more layers of meaning in the script as we worked through. Your Pinocchio is certainly a very complete guy!” — Marcus Bazley, director
“Great piece, brilliantly performed. Lots of lovely language, crunchy ideas to think on, deep metaphysical themes, lots of layers. Excellent stuff!” — Audience comment