Eva Moon: Adventures that start where fairy tales end

“Pinocchio’s Guide to the End of the World”

New fantasy novel from Eva Moon: Becoming real was only the start. There’s more to being human than having the right kind of body. Inside, Pinocchio still feels like the same wooden puppet. His struggle to fit into a human world leads him into danger and adventure, as well as friendship, love, and, ultimately, what it means to be real. Find out more>>

Washington Author Project 2023 winner: “A rollicking, genre-blending read with crisp, engaging writing that showcased a real flair for making historical settings come alive.” Indie Author Project Regional Contest Judge

“As enchanting—and as darkly surprising—as the original fairy tale.”  BookLife Reviews, Editor’s Pick

“Balances humor, adventure, and drama. The warm humanity of her characters illuminates one of the darkest chapters of the 20th century.”  IndieReader

New! Book Group Discussion Guide>>

NOT your childhood Pinocchio. A.I. scenes from the book:

“Even a wooden heart hides secrets."
"Heading to the front, 1918"
"A last kiss"
“At least you're free to go home."
"No one else survived"
"The morning after"
"Return to Berlin"
"It's you!"
"A friend I could count on"
"I'd never killed a man before"
"We don't talk about Otto"
"They were alive"
“It was a long way down"
“Don’t wait for me."
"A world of magic"
"A gunshot struck the hull"
"A daring rescue"
"Sole survivor"
"Pinocchio on the ropes"
“Even a wooden heart hides secrets."

Terminal Velocity: Free short story by Eva Moon

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Eva Moon, Author

About Eva Moon

The moon shows many faces but has one true nature. Eva Moon — author, playwright, screenwriter, musician, composer, performer, former Huffington Post blogger, speaker — also has one true nature: Storyteller. Learn more about Eva’s own story or explore her creations:

Moonshine Chronicles Blog

Eva Moon has been blogging for over ten years, including a stint blogging for Huffington Post. (Those posts are duplicated here.)

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